Wednesday, February 2, 2011

1 year

Sunday Taylor and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We had grand ideas about going to the beach (an hour away) and getting a hotel but decided it was a risk to get a hotel sight unseen, and too much to ask of Suresh to free up a driver for us. Sunday he was essentially juggling 5 different teams. Between the Residency Team, John's parents, two women from Prescott, Arizona, the 17 person team from Cornerstone Church in Phoenix, and the 15 person team from Holland; the Harvest India staff has been working on all cylinders. Taylor and I opted to stay with the team, and we are glad we did.

Highlights of the day ::
1. Being kidnapped by Suresh. While we thought we were on our way to join the CORNERSTONE team for breakfast we suddenly realized that this was not the way to Suresh's house. Sneaky Sneaky Suresh had other plans which included a very impoverished village and us dedicating a fresh water well.

2. Meeting the CORNERSTONE team and hearing their heart to join Harvest India in supporting village church plants.
3. Attending church in our common room as a team by listening to a ROCKHARBOR podcast on freedom from anxiety - timely, very timely.
4. Anniversary photos by Elana Grace. Thanks E! 

5. Celebrating with a little taste of home. 


  1. Sounds like a great day! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Bethany,

    Love ya and really miss you. I have a special request of you. We hare having some problems with the leadership of Desert Rose Chapels on my office complex. The three leaders are requesting Eldership when all that I know and believe and the counsel that I receive from others, like ministries, says that it is a big mistake as the other will resent them and that the state says, "No," in these situations.
    I am trying to poor some oil on the waters. Would you record and video greeting Bilgi and telling him how you feel about the country, the people and the area. I will be able to show it in chapel which will be special for the men. Greet them as well in it.
    The sooner the better.


    Your dingy Dad
