Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let go and remember to dance

I like to be in control of my immediate surroundings. I like to know what my day is going to look like, i usually have a to do list laid out in my head, and I like to continually be mentally checking off the little boxes contained in my to do list. Taylor prefers to be somewhat less structured. A scheduled day feels confining for him and whatever is happening in the moment is what is most important to him. This has caused some fun conversations this past week as we've attempted and failed at supporting each other well during this chaotic season. 

I've been completely overwhelmed the past two weeks. There have been endless details in prepping for our departure, the team as a whole, and in passing off my beloved job of 5 years. Just as I think I have it all prioritized in my mind, something unexpected comes up. Another day is gone. And still there are just as many unchecked boxes on my to do list. 

Thursday night I spent a good hour crying like a baby on the phone with my ever-so-wise mother as she repeated over and over "bethany, just let go, let go." She reminded me that often Satan's goal is to distract us from what is important and to steal our joy. It's funny the way moms can say what you already know to be true, advice that you've already heard, that you can pull directly out of memorized scripture, but in just the right way that you need to hear it. Thanks mom for always listening, and for always taking into account who I am.

Today, the message at church was similar. Todd talked about joy and remembering that Christ gave everything up to die for us, and that should be enough. He talked about how our role as Christians is to display that joy and peace that transcend all understanding. He likened our walk as Christians to this guy, with his infectious dance.  

I realize that I have forgotten to dance. I've allowed my joy to be crushed under details that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. May we always remind each other of the source of our joy and may we constantly be inviting others to dance. 

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